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dc.contributor.authorSaputantri, ML
dc.contributor.authorDhananjaya, GK
dc.contributor.authorPerera, JACA
dc.contributor.authorUbeysiriwardana, UAND
dc.description.abstractThis study presents the design, fabrication and integration of various sensors to solve the problem of drying clothes outside. This design is mainly aimed at overcoming challenges related to unexpected rain, getting clothes in when it is dark and remote controlling capabilities. Traditionally, the method of drying clothes outdoors requires manpower, to put the clothes and to get them in. This causes various inconveniences to people. The proposed system addresses many of those concerns and gives positive feedback. By detecting the change in weather and darkness, this system will automatically shelter the clothes in a sheltered area ensuring that the clothes are dry and undamaged. In addition, this system possesses the ability to be controlled remotely and manually making it user friendly. Furthermore, this will help positively with domestic chores and demonstrate the advantages of using technology to assist day-to-day activities. This paper explains the detailed methodology, conceptual designs, and results of the system.en_US
dc.titleDevelopment of an automated clothesline systemen_US
dc.typeArticle Abstracten_US
dc.identifier.facultyFaculty of Engineeringen_US
dc.identifier.journal16th International Research Conferenceen_US

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