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dc.contributor.authorHerath, HMIJ
dc.contributor.authorKasthuriarachchi, BM
dc.contributor.authorSandamini, PTC
dc.contributor.authorRathnasiri, WCD
dc.contributor.authorPemarathne, WPJ
dc.description.abstractTraffic congestion is exacerbated by the parking issue. The proposed vehicle parking system is built with Android (Mobile) and Web Applications. Android (Mobile) application for car owners to book their parking space and Web application for park owners to design their park and easily update park information. In addition, our project's goal will be outlined. The project's goals and constraints will be discussed at the conclusion of this chapter. Traditional methods of arranging a car slot do not appear to be more efficient. Many human resources are required to keep track of the details of the individual who reserved the parking space. The primary goal of this project is to create a new smart parking system that assists vehicles in identifying parking slots in a specific parking area. For this paper's data collection methods, document analysis and questionnaires were used. The current technique is time-consuming and generates gridlock when there is no proper and simple system in place to govern parking spaces. This proposed system would allow consumers to book a car slot before arriving at their selected location. This system results in functions such as displaying available parking spaces, accepting money for parking spaces, and legally accepting booking a slot.en_US
dc.subjectWeb developmenten_US
dc.subjectMobile computingen_US
dc.subjectVehicle parkingen_US
dc.titleVehiPark- Online Vehicle Parking Management Systemen_US
dc.typeArticle Full Texten_US
dc.identifier.journalKDU IRCen_US

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