Cultural Sensitivity and the Negative Impacts of Non-Education of Sexuality among Teenagers in Sri Lanka
This paper intends to discuss on the problem that whether being extremely culturally sensitive have barred elders from educating on sex to the children and whether having a proper knowledge on sexuality at the proper age would protect the teenagers from using unethical sexual behaviours. It is mainly objected to inquire whether non education of sexuality at the proper age would lead to experiment sexuality in unethical means. Further the paper intends to evaluate whether the extreme cultural sensitivity of the Sri Lankans have resulted in non-education of sexuality openly, investigate whether educating adolescents of sexuality will make them aware of what sexuality is, examine whether educating of sexuality will change the current position of youth where they tend to seek for unethical means to experiment on sex, expound the importance and effectiveness of teaching of sexuality in the school education, suggest to introduce sex education in a proper way in the schools. The study is conducted using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Questionnaires were used to collect primary data, along with the interviews. Secondary data collected from books and newspapers along with the web based journals. It is the expectation of this paper to research on whether educating of sexuality properly would change the mindset of the teens and will change the present situation.
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